Cash Landrum Case
On the 29th December 1980, Betty Cash, Vicki Landrum and Colby Landrum (Vicki's grandson),
were driving back from a restaurant towards Dayton, Texas.
At around 9.00pm they noticed a bright, fiery object directly ahead of them.
The object suddenly descended to the tree line and hovered over the road. They
decided to stop the car, which was by now only about 50m away from the object.
Vickie and Betty got out of the car to take a closer look, however Colby was
becoming very distressed so Vickie got back in the car with him. When Betty
decided to try and get back into the car, she burnt her hand on the metallic
car door handle, even her wedding ring started to burn into her finger.
The object started on its way again and the women started to drive cautiously
behind it. As they were driving behind the object they suddenly noticed that
the object was surrounded, as if being escorted, by some 20 or more black unmarked
helicopters (later identified as Chinooks).
The object and its helicopter 'groupies' soon departed out of range and the women
made their way back home. However, within a couple of hours all 3 started to become
ill in various degrees.
Sunburn on his face and swollen eyes.
Swollen eyes, sunburn and hair loss.
Headaches, Vomiting, neck pains, sore eyes, blisters on scalp, hair loss.
The victims decided to take the US Government to court over the incident for
medical compensation. Their reasoning was that the craft must of been a secret
new aircraft that had got into trouble and was being escorted by the helicopters
(the surrounding by helicopters is a well used military technique to ensure
that if a craft goes down, be it UFO or American plane, then the area would be sealed
off right away),
The case lasted several years and in 1986 the court dismissed the case because
the women could not prove that the object in question was owned by the US Government.
Many researchers conclude that the court case was badly dealt with because the judge
never meet any of the 3 victims and the evidence of the 20 Chinook helicopters
was ignored.
It is now thought that what the victims witnessed was an experimental US Aircraft,
which was either alien in origin, or based on some nuclear propulsion system, and that
this craft was experiencing difficulties. The helicopters were there to seal the area
off in case the craft had to land suddenly.
Please EMAIL me with any additional Info/Suggestions